So many thoughts, ideas - no ambition!

I hate this! I have so many things that I want to accomplish... paint the entry way, finish this sewing project or start this one. I have craved chocolate cupcakes with mock whip creme frosting for weeks now and I haven't made them yet. My sewing room is a disaster and it bothers me to even turn on the light... I am neat freak! I like organization and things have places to be not just hap-hazordly strewn about.

I have no ambition! I swear this ankle injury has taken all my gumption. All I want to do is lay on the couch and watch Real Housewives and Top Chef reruns!

I have tried to take up knitting again, but one can only make so many wash cloths (the only thing I know how to make) before that gets boring. And to be honest, I don't know how much Uno, Bug-Opoly or legos I can continue to play laying on the couch! LOL

I need a vacation in a nice warm weather place. This winter is dragging me down. Ironically, as I type this, I am not depressed about all of this, I almost laughing at myself because of all of it. How psycho does that make me?

I think I will force myself to stop at the store tonight and buy a cake mix- and make those damn cupcakes! Chocolate always makes it better right!? Or maybe Peanut Butter Fudge... hmmm, oh great! Another thing to add to my list!


Karley Ziegler Mott said...

Come to Rochester! It might be a degree or two warmer next week when we have that deep freeze, LOL!

I hear you. Sometimes I just want to curl up and hide under a blanket with a brownie watching the biotches on RH of OC!

~Beth~ said...

I would love a trip to NY!
I did make the cupcakes and they were a great pick me up...hopefully this weekend I can get the gumption to clean out the sewing room!
Or maybe not!