Ahh, the New Year...

A time to make all those resolutions... lose weight, exercise, be more patient, etc. etc... and then to break them all before the end of January!

I usually do make myself the resolution to exercise more and loose some weight but this year I might actually do it. I am just feeling really blah, really not happy with my body. I can't do anything about the stretch marks (or battle scars rather) left to me by my children but I can - maybe - tone and tighten! I refuse to diet, food is my drug. I love food, I eat ALL the time, seriously... as I type this I am drinking my morning diet Pepsi (its like my coffee!) eating graham crackers and snacking on mint candies...I eat when I am bored, tired, mad, stressed, hungry, not hungry... I just love food. So if I wish to continue this, I must exercise! I must walk! I must just not lay on the couch by 9pm every night eating potato chips once the kids go to bed! But, and I am sure you do, know how hard it is to not do that? Especially right now, with all this snow and frigid temperatures, curling up under a blanket on the couch, eating sounds mighty right just about now!

One main resolution this year I am going to TRY very hard to keep and remind myself daily to do is to be more patient with the kids. I don't think I truly learned patience until I became a mom. Kids teach you just much, if not more, than you teach them. But during certain moments of stress and life, I find myself acting out and not being patient with them. I so don't want them to grow up in the same type of house I did, where yelling was a daily event and snide remarks were made more often than kind ones... so that is my biggest battle in the coming new year. Stay calm, stay patient and just live and learn....

So what are your new years resolutions? Will you keep them? Lets talk in two weeks and see!


MoBea said...

Oh crap! Uncle Scott thinks I should go on a yarn diet- he thinks I have too much! Yea- like what is too much? Is there such a thing? I bet he'd change his toon if I asked how much is too much sex!

So I resolve to knit 2 things from stash yarn before I make each new yarn purchase... hats count!
Love anut