Yesterday afternoon/evening I was outside, standing in the cold and snow, watching the kids sled down the driveway. Ahh, the life of a mother. I would have much rather been inside laying on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on my ankle, but no - gotta take advantage of good sledding weather while we can!
McCaiden is a daredevil - that girl gave me a heart attack more than once as she whizzed by yelling, "I will be back!" LOL Esdin started a run down the hill, rather than the driveway. With the nice fresh, fluffy snow on top of the hardened, icy snow - he could get going quite fast - dodging small pine trees all the way. At the end of run was a large bump that caused him (or McCaiden) to go flying into the air... how fun, right? Well, when you are almost 4 and 8 - yes that is fun!
But as I am standing there, watching for cars, reading the mail, I started to wonder... How do "they" know that no two snowflakes are alike? HOW? I mean, how do "they" know that the snowflake that just fell on my hand is not exactly like one that fell in Russia 5 days ago, or Colorado last year? HOW???
And, while on that thought, who are "they"? "They" say you should do this or that, not eat that or this, never do that when you are doing this, but who are "they"? And why do we always listen to them??? :)
No real point to this post, just a curious pondering....
2 days ago
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