A new light at the end of a very dark tunnel...

A lady that I used to do work for has recently changed paths... she was teaching at Grand Valley and is searching out new opportunities for something, anything... We are meeting for a beer soon to discuss what we can do, together. I love her. She is such a positive light, a really vibrant person but not overbearing or controlling. She values all opinions and we work really well together.
This may be it... I have really good feelings about this -scared, but good!:)

This may be my time to move on... Send some positive thoughts.

Last night I also finished 3 of my 10 - yes, 10 - scrap blankets/quilts... hand tied, binding done... of course I type this with a blister on the end of my finger from the needle (hand stitching the binding) and I forgot my thimble, but yeah, its worth it... :) Now don't think I am some awesome quilter... these are smaller, some are twin, a couple are larger, but mostly they are snuggle, cuddle size or great for dolly blankets :) NO clue what I am going to do with them... but it has been a fun ride!


Karley Ziegler Mott said...


You can do this. Follow whatever path your GUT tells you to follow and you'll be happy.

I wish you the best of luck. You DESERVE to be happy!

MoBea said...

I have never regretted quitting my job... Anut