Who knew this girl could change my world so much!?
I will admit, I never wanted a daughter. I was scared to death to have a girl and repeat the mistakes of my mother and I. When we found out that we were having a girl, I was terrified.
This little girl has been such a blessing in my life. Don't get me wrong, my son is my life to, but I have a different relationship with him. He and I like to butt heads :)
McCaiden and I have had an instant bond since she was born. She slept ON me for the first 9 months of her life. She and I understand each other, we know how to communicate with each other and we truly are best buddies.
For the 4th this year we went to my husbands hometown of Harrison, MI and watched the parade, hung out with his brother and saw an absolutely awesome fireworks display. While my husband was feeling nostalgic at the fact that he was bringing his kids back to the place he watched fireworks as a kid, I was in heaven. Sitting on the hood of the car, McCaiden's little arms wrapped around my neck watching the beautiful colors light up the sky. This was her first fireworks display. She kept saying to me "Say that again, Momma... Say "Ooh, Beautiful" - I like when you say that."... What a priceless moment for me....
This post doesn't do justice to what I feel for this little girl. Yes, she drives me nuts some days and I am sure in the future there will be door slamming and the I am sorries will not come as fluidly after a timeout but for now I just want to cherish the fact that she loves me because I am her mom. And in that alone, I have proven that the cycle does not have to repeat itself :)
2 days ago
That is wonderful, Beth.
I have that feeling with my little monkey, Ben.
He is a mama's boy and always wants to be with me.
Like you, I feel both children are my whole world and I love them both to pieces--Nick and I butt heads at times because we're both so stubborn, but I love him still with all my heart...
You call Ben, Monkey? I call McCaiden that :)
Yes, ma'am...He's "Monkey" and I call Nick "Duck" sometimes, LOL.
Ha! Very funny...
Esdin has always been my "B" - don't know why :)
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