Mom, Who paints the sky?

I don't know why I believe this, but I do. And I like that my kids now believe it to.

We have had some beautiful clouds lately, awesome sunsets this summer. I never fully appreciated the sky and its beauty until my Grandpa passed away. He was a farmer and was always looking to the sky and talking about he clouds, the forecast, etc. I miss him dearly, think about him daily and am lucky enough to have two kids who inherited his ears : ). Esdin only met Grandpa a couple times, McCaiden never met him. But we talk about him enough that they know who Great Grandpa Frank is. I like that. Anyway, back to the sky....

... For what ever reason, since he passed I have had a firm belief that he is up in heaven and up there he is in charge of the sky. He is in charge of the clouds, the colors, the rainbows, the color of blue... that is his job. I don't know why I think that. But I find great comfort and I really enjoy his works of art. He has made some awesome skies... and I am thankful that I have been able to appreciate them.

Since Esdin was little, I have always told him that Great Grandpa Frank paints the skies.. and now we tell that to McCaiden.

So who paints the skies in your world?


MoBea said...

Beth- that's beautiful! I think of Dad in heaven farming since that is what he loved so much- just endlessly farming... We too talk about him often, even if it's just a "Wouldn't Dad have loved that?" especially around the little ones since it was Dad who loved kids. Douglas and Scott refer to him as Great Pappa Frank- I pray he can hear them.
Love anut