Do you?

This work week has been beyond busy. I am thankful for the work, but just totally drained. Sleepless nights - McCaiden wakes up alot lately - dreaming of superman ice cream of all things; my husband snoring; and of course watching all the election coverage - there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish all the things that need to be done. I have 7 loads of laundry on the couch downstairs to fold and put away... missing a pair of underwear? dig for it! LOL

Add to all that the time change. It is now dark when I get on the road to head home at the end of the day... I despise driving at night... hate it. The kids are sleepy before their actual bedtime and up before the sun.

So Monday night on the way home, I am very sleepy, very slap happy, very hungry... I have the radio blaring and I am singing at the top of my lungs - LOVE IT! Do you sing out loud in the car? Mind you I am not a very good singer, I really can't carry a tune to save my soul but when no one else is around, why not! Pretend I am the best and sing with all my heart. It was a great stress reliever! LOL I set the cruise control leaned back a bit and just drove and sang! I went thru quite a few songs that night, everything from Billy Joel, to John Mayer, to Kid Rock, to Sugarland... Of course, when I got home I had a headache from the music being so loud and sore throat from singing but I felt so relieved!

So, do you sing outloud in the car? What are your favorite driving songs?


MoBea said...

Geez! you're a riot! of course I sing in the car. my favorites are old Meatloaf tunes- "Paradise by the dashboard light"

ps- who is John Mayer?
Love anut

~Beth~ said...

Meatloaf is good, too!
You don't know who John Mayer is? I will have to bring up some of his music in the spring to the cabin...he is Dennis' man crush! LOL
