As I mentioned before, I am married to my best friend, Dennis. We met the night I graduated high school and have been married nearly 14 years. Where has the time gone? Seriously, I don't feel old enough to have been married that long! This picture is from our wedding, we look SO young! LOL
Anyway - here is the story behind the name...
Dennis is always cracking jokes, making me laugh, reminding me that everything is going to be fine, no matter what. One day he was getting ready for work and walked out of the bathroom without having any gel in his hair (he has short, spikey hair) and I mentioned "aren't you going to gel your hair?" He asked if I liked it gelled, I said yes, but if he was trying to impress some girl in the office (JOKING!) he could do whatever he wanted. He made the comment that he already had his woman (ME :) ), I said, that is right you couldn't handle another one! LOL
So then he started explaining how everyone always says how much work a marriage is, how you have work at it, rough patches, its like another job. Yes, we do have our spats and disagreements but through all our years together, we have only fought a handful of times, it is a very rare occurrence. His buddies are always saying what a hassle their wives are.
He (and I) don't feel that way. He said our marriage is great, just
...because we are.
We are here for one another, together, best friends. We were meant to be, ...because we are.
So, there you have it - the reason behind the name....
6 days ago
The rules are as follows:1. Link to the person who tagged you.2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Write six random things about yourself.4. Tag six people at the end of your post.5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
1 I'd rather knit or read than do anything else on earth
2 I love Rocky and can watch all the movies one after the other (while knitting)
3 I believe that baseball is the only perfect mix of team sport and individual talent
4 I wish I could hear my mom say she is proud of me
5 I hate the word panties
6 I think caffeine and nicotine should be major food groups
I'm tagging you- Bethie!
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