My First Blog Entry!

Going out on a limb here, and joining the world of blogging! How exciting! How fun! How terrifying! LOL Please bear with me, as I know nothing about how to set up this blog... this should be fun though!

A little about me. I am a full time Graphic Designer, I have two great kids Esdin, he is 8 and in 3rd Grade and my daughter, McCaiden is 3. I am married to my best friend for nearly 14 years (wow!).

On the side and in my spare time (what little spare time I do have) I love to sew. I have a little shop on where I dabble in selling my creations. The shop shares the name of my blog ...because we are. That title is a great story from my husband, Dennis, that at some point thru out this blog I will share with you. Where the purplegecco part comes from, well that in itself is a story that will also come out eventually!

I hope to post every day, at least once a day. My hope is to use this blog as a journal of sorts. To write down my feelings, my thoughts, my frustrations and above all else to count my blessings. I will also be sharing on here deals from my online shop, that only you as blog readers can take part in.

If you have stopped by, please let me know! I would love to hear from you.

Have a great day!


Karley Ziegler Mott said...

Yay! A fellow blogger. I can't wait to keep reading...


~Beth~ said...

Thanks Karley!