I make lists.

There are at least 5 lists on the frig at any given time. Lists about when book orders are due, when the PTC is, what day I have shadow at school.

Grocery lists, to do lists, want lists... it goes on and on!

Here is what is currently running thru my head - I need to write it down!

- Find a new dentist - ours is leaving, rather abruptly and we need a new one!
- Make an eye appointment for Esdin
- Cookie dough fund raiser money due Monday
- Field trip money due Wednesday
- Clean the bathroom (scrubbed the tub last night, but I didn't get any further)
- order carpet for downstairs
- tear down the ceiling in one room downstairs and paint
- paint the ceiling and walls in the living room and bedroom down stairs
- order a fill up on the gas tank
- Kids need jeans - they both grew overnight I swear
- WORK - I am swamped with stuff - everyone wants something and they want it now
- my sewing - I need to sew! and I need to put it on the list or I don't get a chance to do it
- buy tickets for the circus! YEAH!
- buy tickets to go see NEMO on ice - YEAH!
- go to the bank and order a new debit card - long story, stupid banking people
- make an appt for Bo at the vet - he seems to have hurt his leg somehow - this after he ripped his ear open last weekend - blood everywhere! gag!

I think that sums it up. Besides cleaning like a mad woman when I get home tonight because Rachel, Chad and the boys are coming over so Chad and Dennis can play guitar together... I want a nice relaxing weekend. Besides the grocery shopping, jean shopping and going to the Rail Jam so Esdin can see the snowboarders - I hope it is a relaxing weekend! I need sleep!!!