About 10 days ago, we added a new family member - Bo. He is 7 weeks old and the cutest, hyper Beagle puppy - ever. Seriously. He has been with us only a short while and destroyed a slipper, my rug - on two corners, various socks, a chew toy and many plants in my yard. He seems to think the leaves of my glad flowers are attacking him and he must growl and bite at them!
We did not intend to get a puppy. But Esdin and McCaiden have been wanting a puppy or a cat. The cat is out because of my allergies and this opportunity came up. So part of Esdin's birthday present was Bo. Explaining before hand that the dog was his. He must take it out. He must feed and water it. He must play with it and clean up after it. Puppies/dogs are a lot of work! Esdin was all for it. No question about it, he wanted this dog!
In the 10 days since Bo came home with us, Esdin has grown up - literally I think over night. He never complains when Bo wants to go out while Esdin is watching his favorite TV show. He loves on him and shows him all kinds of attention. He even cleaned up the yard without complaint yesterday before going to his friends house. He even explains to Bo why he must stay in his box while we go to work..."...sometimes Bo, you have to face your fears, but just remember, I will always come back to you." - so sweet!
I was amazed. How much my son grew up with this task given to him and matured, right in front of me. Maybe its just because he is almost 9 and that is what happens, but most of me thinks that given the responsibility and he felt it was time to "man up" as he calls it and follow thru.
I am very proud of him!
... now on to 4th grade and this year should be interesting. For the first time in all his schooling our neighbor is in the same class with him. They are best buds but I can just see it now... the calls, the notes, the talking too much! Lord - here we go!
1 week ago
Esdin sounds like such a compassionate boy--he have raised him well!
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